
Daily and/or Occasional Entries in one place - good, bad, ugly - about games, books, movies, memories, music, or random thoughts. They aren't creative or most thought through. But they are written and published every day (or whenever I feel like it). So I got that going for me, which is nice.
  • 417. And I Quit

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Hi, it’s me again, but not for long. I quit writing daily entries. While fun as it was, my wife, being a much smarter and more mature person than I am, asked me to write about something I like or love or find interesting. Not every day, maybe even not every week, but without pushing […]

    Read more: 417. And I Quit
  • 416. And Back to Smart Watches

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Hi, it’s me again with a very unexpected confession to make. Let’s go! Some time ago (the day before yesterday, if we want to be precise), I wrote an entry where wrote that I switched to mechanical watch. As you can see from the title of this entry, it didn’t last. I love mechanical watches […]

    Read more: 416. And Back to Smart Watches
  • 415. Spark of Motivation

    Reading Time: 5 minutes Hi, it’s me again with another entry. Let’s go. Today I feel like giving some motivational speech. Only it’s not speech at all, but text, so you can’t hear my voice or the powerful way I pronounce syllables. You’re on your own, try to imagine the best voice you can think of (Steve Buscemi, people, […]

    Read more: 415. Spark of Motivation