
Daily and/or Occasional Entries in one place - good, bad, ugly - about games, books, movies, memories, music, or random thoughts. They aren't creative or most thought through. But they are written and published every day (or whenever I feel like it). So I got that going for me, which is nice.
  • 414. Back to Mechanical Watches

    Reading Time: 7 minutes Hi, it’s me again, this time about the wrist watches. Let’s go! Do you like watches? I do. I have a thing for the watches, even though I know nothing about them. I just appreciate the way they designed, and how all those tiny parts assemble a perfect mechanism for the sole purpose of showing […]

    Read more: 414. Back to Mechanical Watches
  • 413. The F_ck-Up

    Reading Time: 5 minutes Hi, it’s me again with another novel to discuss. Let’s go! As the title says it, I’m writing about the novel called The Fuck-Up by Arthur Nersesian. The unlikely discovery I made during my vacation in the mountains. I decided to take a break from Ulysses and instead read something different. That’s when Everand came […]

    Read more: 413. The F_ck-Up
  • 412. Out of Topics

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Hi, it’s me again with another entry. Let’s go! Today is a bit different, though, since I have a topic to write about, and I’m too exhausted to even come up with one. Which is a weird statement coming from a guy who wrote 3 Generically Obscure Advice to Come Up With a Topic. Looks […]

    Read more: 412. Out of Topics