• 417. And I Quit

    Reading Time: 3 minutes
    Three fingers, steaming head… yeah, AI is most definitely is going to take one’s job. Anyway, I chose this image for the sake of choosing it. I’m actually happy. Generated by Midjourney.

    Hi, it’s me again, but not for long.

    I quit writing daily entries. While fun as it was, my wife, being a much smarter and more mature person than I am, asked me to write about something I like or love or find interesting. Not every day, maybe even not every week, but without pushing this topical nonsense I’ve been publishing lately (even though The Fuck-Up was quite good, if you were to ask me).

    I love her, and she makes a lot of sense when tries to talk me out of my dumb challenges that take too much time and require too much dedication for nothing in return. Also, she said no one’s going to care if I were to quit all of a sudden, and in order to prove her wrong, I’m writing this entry (if you’re reading it on Medium, please try to clap at least once, I can’t clap my own entries, and I’m too lazy to create fake accounts to stroke my fragile artistic ego).

    So, what am I passionate about? Obviously writing. Can’t do anything about it. Lifelong passion that turned into a career choice of questionable proportions. I mean, like leave your job and pursue your goal of writing for real. Can’t say it sounds like a good idea, but what the fuck? You can’t put a price on your dream (if it’s not a Porsche 911, of course, then you can and probably should).

    What else? Video games. Obviously. Can’t shut up about them either. As I grew older, I reached the pivotal point where I could afford top rig (not for long, though, money well wasted, boys) to run all games I couldn’t run on Ultra settings, but have no capacity to play them. Yet I still love to dive into something from time to time. I heard Helldivers 2 are pretty hot right now (get it? Because it fries your CPU, wink-wink).

    Something I forgot? Yeah, reading. Sure. From time to time, I stumble across the book that leaves me under impression. Like The Fuck-Up or Ulysses or something else I can’t remember right now, but it did.

    She told me to write about what I’m passionate about. Really passionate. About basically those three things. Like you love writing? Great, write about writing. Maybe some people find your views relatable or useful. You love video games? Awesome. Write about what you’ve played lately and how frustrated you were when you realized that you no longer have reflexes of a ten-year-old high on sugar. You said something about books? Aha… cool, some people still know the meaning of this word.

    And also she advised me to go with less random content. Like if I’ve run out of topics, I’m not trying to create one out of a thin air or write an entry about how I ran out of topics (guilty as fucking charged), but just do my thing and wait till there will be something to write about. Usually it does.

    Can’t say this decision was easy to make, because she barely finished talking when I agreed and went writing this entry.

    I. Was. So. Tired. Of. Daily. Entries. Man, I didn’t even make it through the whole month and I was already tired of all this bullshit. I mean, writing two entries about fucking watches? Seriously, man? Of course, my wife is right, because this shit is just lame. And the thought that out of pure nostalgia or some other bullshit, I decided it was a good idea to revive the thing I somehow soldiered through last year. Why did I even think it was a good idea? Why? Why?! WHY?! I don’t know, I’m not a very bright individual in this regard. I love to write, though. I can write. I write like a son of a bitch. Also, I’m 100% sure I don’t have egomania, why do you even ask?

    Anyway, what can I say? I’ll try to do as my wife asked me to do. And yes, I quit with daily entries. Internet is safe once again. Thank you for reading and see you some other unspecified time in the future when I’ll probably write an entry on Helldivers 2 and how it cooks my CPU well done. Bye!