• 416. And Back to Smart Watches

    Reading Time: 3 minutes
    That’s really looks cool, actually. Generated by Midjourney.

    Hi, it’s me again with a very unexpected confession to make. Let’s go!

    Some time ago (the day before yesterday, if we want to be precise), I wrote an entry where wrote that I switched to mechanical watch. As you can see from the title of this entry, it didn’t last.

    I love mechanical watches and as I’ve already mentioned before, I just can’t help but admire the craftsmanship it takes to build one. Especially if it has a glass back or skeleton design that lets you observe the intricate work of gears and springs inside.

    Yet here’s the problem, the weight. At first I didn’t think of it much, but since it is summer, it is hot in our part of the world, turned out my wrist isn’t prepared to deal with the weight of stainless steel. And stainless steel in general.

    Yeah, turns out I’ve got soft from years of not wearing real watches and summer, sweat, and stainless steel don’t add up well. By the end of the day of moving around in 30 Celsius (which is already hot enough for someone who considers 15 Celsius a perfect temperature for a living), it turned out that I messed up my wrist, and sparing you all the unnecessary and clearly gross details of this journey back to the roots, I had to put watches back where they belonged. In the box.

    Am I sad? Not really, those are just watches.

    Should I try again once my wrist heals up? Probably yes, but I won’t. The commodity of smart watches, their weight or lack of thereof, and straps that can be adjusted right till millimeter are just too damn comfortable even if don’t find them (smartwatches) as aesthetically pleasing as a solid mechanical watch on a steel bracelet. I have yet to see at least one smartwatch that can rock a stainless steel bracelet without looking like a gimmick.

    And yes, I know there are leather straps, but I hate leather straps. I wore watches with leather straps for several years and for me personally it is the worst of the both worlds. When it’s hot, they are sticking to your wrist, and when it’s cold, they just fly around. It’s almost impossible for me to adjust them where they feel just right. Not too tight, not too loose. Probably something is wrong with my wrists, or maybe it’s because I don’t have thick wrists, so maybe that’s the problem.

    And yes, there are NATO straps, and while NATO straps are classic, in particular on Rolex Submariner (James Bond reference, people). And I love NATO straps. I think they look gorgeous on the watches, and I have one on my Luminox. It’s cool. But here’s the thing. They are too damn bulky for day-to-day. And I don’t mean wearing them for military purposes. Sorry guys, we’re not living in a combat zone so I don’t need extra asset to successfully ride metro to the office and back. I still would rather go with the simple, minimal, and effective enough modern straps of the smartwatches.

    So, here I am again. Looking like a damn fool because of everything I wrote before, yet still writing this entry. Because when you have to write and publish one entry every day, you’re really thankful for any topic that comes by. Even though, I should probably say that I’ll try to minimize topics like that because of how unnecessary they are. I mean, I know myself; I change my points of view all the times based on the mood. If I were to change my mind tomorrow, it doesn’t mean the entire world should know about that. And also it is a really low bar. As low effort as it gets (without going into extremes of writing 50 word entries and telling that this is the way).

    So, yeah, that’s it. Thank you for reading and see you tomorrow. Bye!